Team Esol

Team Esol

Friday, June 9, 2017

At the SPCA by Felix

On Monday we went to the SPCA.

Outside we saw big dogs and little dogs.  We went inside and put food on the counter.  When a lady came she held a little dog.  It was wet because it finished taking a bath.

We went outside.  We saw small kittens and parrots.  We went up the steps.  A man held a guinea pig.  It was soft like a pillow.

We saw rabbits and ducks and a goat.  We felt it on its horn.  It was hard like rock.  

Then we went into a room with cages.  We saw bunnies in a cage.  There were lots of bunny poops together in space.  It looked like a circle of marbles.

We saw more kittens eating cat food.  There was a next room. There were some more cages.  I didn't like the smell, and how did poo get on the ground when the possum was in a cage?

There was a farm with gates and sheep and a horse.  There were dogs.  Big dogs.

I liked the SPCA.  We went into a little room with computers and a tv.  We saw the SPCA taking care of pets.

The bus was gone.  We waited for the bus to come back.  We went inside.  We played 'I spy with my little eye'.

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